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Tag: NAPA Designer


A digital response to shipyards’ multifaceted efficiency challenges

What do competitive markets, changing demographics and the energy transition all have in common? They are powerful forces driving a need for greater efficiency in the ship design and building process – which, in turn, is accelerating the digital transformation of the sector.   The market’s tectonic plates are shifting. The headline-grabbing rivalry between the world’s […]

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From Blueprint to Breakthrough: Tsuneishi Shanghai’s Innovation Journey with NAPA’s 3D Design Solutions

In an industry where innovation is key to staying ahead, Tsuneishi Shanghai, a global ship design and construction leader, embarked on a transformative journey with NAPA to upgrade its ship design processes and transition from traditional methods involving 2D designs to advanced 3D modeling techniques. The challenge, however, was not just about adopting new technology […]

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3D-powered efficiency – how VARD delivered a ship design in just 10 weeks

Teams at VARD Design & Engineering were faced with a major challenge: could they slash the typical structural design time by a third, and go from contract signing to class package in 10 weeks? Equipped with NAPA’s 3D based tools, they rose to the occasion by working smartly, creatively, and collaboratively. Here’s how they achieved […]

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HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, NAPA and CADMATIC join forces to develop digital shipyard

Partnership between software providers and the world’s largest shipyard will digitalize and streamline the ship design and construction process, enabling the fast-paced innovation needed to support shipping’s decarbonization transition.  Ulsan, Helsinki and Turku, 18 January 2024 – HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world’s largest shipyard, has announced a joint development project (JDP) with NAPA and […]

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How to model your alternative fuels future

Want to know what your fleet’s alternative fuels future will look like? You’re not alone. As new energy sources make their entry on global fleets, shipping is craving certainty. But there is no need for fortune-telling – instead, simulation tools can reveal what to expect in terms of new ship designs, operations, and costs, for […]

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China Classification Society and NAPA introduce new joint interface to streamline 3D ship design approval process

Project to establish an interface between NAPA Steel and China Classification Society’s COMPASS-SDP will enable greater data interoperability for easier rule calculations, time-saving and closer collaboration.    Helsinki (Finland), 15th June 2023: NAPA, the leading provider of maritime software, services, and data analysis, and China Classification Society (CCS), the worldwide main class and an active member […]

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The future of design is now: taking 3D model-based approvals from concept to reality

Shipyards, designers, and class societies all recognize 3D model-based approvals (3D MBA) as an essential part of shipbuilding’s future, helping shipyards boost efficiency in an increasingly complex environment and tackle the growing challenges of the decarbonization transition. No longer a distant prospect, various shipyards and classification societies around the world are already working to make […]

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Experience NAPA solutions in person for more insights

NAPA has always valued flexible customer communication and has continuously developed solutions for over 30 years. With the same kind of efforts, NAPA Design Solutions team recently had exclusive opportunities to visit and communicate with ship design professionals in person.   In late March 2023, the NAPA Design Solutions team held two events on different continents. One […]

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NAPA and Elomatic: unpacking the secret behind two decades of successful collaboration

Behind every great vessel is a great team – but what makes a great team even better?  Building the blueprint for successful collaboration, data-driven solutions are enabling faster design, better communication and more innovation. When that basis is established, designing safer, greener and more efficient ships becomes significantly easier.   Transforming the industry one project at […]

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NAPA Release 2021.1

The new NAPA Release is out now! We are excited to announce that our first NAPA Release of 2021 is now live. We will deliver at least two releases in 2021 and the first one focuses now on the usability and user experience of all NAPA products with a completely renewed licensing technology. The next […]

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