Category: Ship Operations
Stena Line and NAPA awarded for innovative energy-saving program
Norfolk, Va 7 October 2014 Stena Line and NAPA Group receive inaugural SHIPPINGInsight Award Recognizing achievement in advancing the state of the art in fleet optimization, the SHIPPINGInsight Award was presented to Stena Line and NAPA Group during a gala awards luncheon Oct. 1 at the SHIPPINGInsight 2014 Fleet Optimization Conference & Exhibition in Stamford, […]
Read ArticleOctober 7, 2014
NAPA survey: 60% of market unaware of SEEMP fuel saving potential
Helsinki, Finland – November 15, 2012 Survey shows SEEMP as a priority for the industry but knowledge gaps exist, smaller owners and operators lagging behind and significant regional differentiation A survey conducted by NAPA Group, the leading software house for ship design and operations, into preparation levels for the upcoming IMO ship energy efficiency management […]
Read ArticleNovember 15, 2012
ClassNK joins with NAPA to bring best-in-class SEEMP solution to market
Singapore, May 08, 2012 ClassNK expertise combined with NAPA software creates environmental solution to increase eco-efficiency and reduce fuel consumption NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI (ClassNK), the world’s largest ship classification society and NAPA, the leading software house for ship design and operations, today announced a collaboration to provide the most comprehensive solution for Ship Energy Efficiency […]
Read ArticleMay 8, 2012
Napa signs an agreement with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Ltd.
Helsinki, Finland April 20, 2011 Onboard-Napa Ltd, the leading software house for ship operations, signed an agreement with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd (DSME). The agreement specifies the co-operation with sales, model creation and delivery of the environment-friendly NAPA-DSME Power® software for DSME designed vessels. DSME and Napa are both committed to environmental […]
Read ArticleApril 20, 2011