A classic design tool for naval architectural calculation and analysis

A complete naval architectural package for ship design and analysis.
NAPA is a complete naval architectural package for calculations and analysis. The functionality covers all capabilities of hydrostatics and stability, such as the intact and damage stability analysis tools, including the complete SOLAS 2020 support. NAPA works hand-in-hand with NAPA Designer and its 3D modeling interface. The versatile and flexible user interface comes with the Manager application concept, enabling clear calculation workflows, reporting, and easy customization with the support of NAPA macros.

Encompassing all required naval architectural calculations
NAPA seamlessly accommodates all relevant naval architectural calculations for different designs, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Covering essential hydrostatic and stability calculations, hydrodynamic analysis, and modern first principle tools in a unified package, NAPA supports the design of all ship types and floating structures comprehensively.

Established industry standard calculation engine
NAPA’s calculation engine, a longstanding choice of the shipbuilding industry and regulatory authorities for decades, ensures a streamlined approval process, delivering heightened accuracy and enhanced safety in designs.

Thorough rule compliance analysis
NAPA provides comprehensive support for all necessary intact and damage stability rules and regulations, offering a wide set of tools for rule compliance analysis. As a prime example, NAPA is the de-facto solution for full SOLAS probabilistic damage stability rule compliance analysis.

Tailored Customization
Elevate your design process with a comprehensive array of built-in tools and customization options. NAPA’s applications are widely based on scripting, empowering you to fine-tune the pre-existing tools and craft your project for modeling, calculation, and reporting. Through this tailored customization, NAPA seamlessly integrates into your design workflow, surpassing any other software in the industry.
Solutions with NAPA
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